“Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.”

-B.K.S Iyengar-

Vinyasa Yoga

Yoga originates from ancient India. In Sanskrit the word means “union” or “oneness”, and is used to describe a group of physical, mental and spiritual disciplines. The Western world has adopted the physical part of Yoga philosophy consisting of Asanas or poses, and often connected by flowing sequences called vinyasas. Sometimes before or after the Asanas, specific breathing exercises called pranayama are practiced to strengthen the connection of mind and body. Traditionally a Yoga class ends with a period of relaxation, savasana. When mindfully moving through the poses with coordinated breath and awareness, the mind can quiet and help the body settle into the practice. Different breathing techniques can help soothe anxiety and focus the mind, while the body oxygenates and gets the calming benefits of deep breathing.

What do you need for a Yoga class?

  • Willingness to learn will get you far!
  • Comfortable clothing, which allows big ranges of movement
  • Yoga mat is essential
  • Water bottle and enough clothing to stay warm in savasana, the end of class relaxation

If attending an online class at home, a quiet space big enough for you to move around is very important. Remember to keep yourself well hydrated on the day of the class by drinking enough water. You also want to have at least 2-4 hours from your last big meal. Try our Taster class for €10!


In her Yoga classes Susanne focuses on teaching every pose and transition from sufficient muscular support. When you get stronger in your center and around your joints, the tighter areas in the body can start releasing. This will create more mobility, keep the joints safe and thus avoid potential injuries. Often in Yoga people focus solely on flexibility, forgetting the importance of muscular support and quieting the mind. Susanne’s background in dance and Pilates has helped develop her dynamic teaching style. She is focused on functionality, creating strength and mobility at the same time. This helps you to better sense and control your body, allowing the mind to observe the physical sensations and connect to them.


We use different props to offer additional support or focus to the body or class. In private sessions they help tailor the poses to your personal needs by offering extra support or challenge.

Yoga blocks can be used in multitude of ways. One is to “raise” the floor to meet the body in more challenging poses, or use them as balancing aids in standing poses. Sometimes they are used simply as reference. Other times they can offer support for the spine and head allowing you to sink deeper into your back bends.

The bolster is mostly used in more restorative classes. It offers a bigger support surface for the body to release and soften deeper into the Asanas. It can also be a useful tool for someone recovering from injuries or rehabilitating from operations. Have a bolster under your spine to support gentle back bend. Or under your knees to ease your low back in savasana. It is just pure bliss!

The strap is a useful tool when you need just little extra length to reach the more demanding Asanas. Using a strap allows you to experience better aligned poses and therefore deeper and safer openings.

Susanne is part of the Manduka Teacher Reward program, which offers her students a discount on their Manduka mats and accessories.

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